Thanks for Signing my Guestbook. :-)

07/16/00 02:17:34
Name: Paul Bartelme My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: none Star Trek Fan?: no Computer Generated or Real Art?: not sure
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: not sure If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: it is linked to yours

Was just looking around and you need to update a few things

04/01/00 14:38:08
Name: Tasia My URL: Visit Me Fave 'Net Game: none
Star Trek Fan?: hell yea Computer Generated or Real Art?: both Male/Female: female
If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: no

cool page

03/31/00 04:25:39
Name: Michael W. Spaeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: None Star Trek Fan?: Nope Computer Generated or Real Art?: Generated
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: Amd If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: Nope


03/01/00 22:00:13
Name: laura Fave 'Net Game: don't have one
Star Trek Fan?: yea i guess Computer Generated or Real Art?: both
Male/Female: female If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: i dunno

this is a pretty cool and interesting page.

12/30/99 17:56:08
Name: Kym My URL: Visit Me
Computer Generated or Real Art?: both Male/Female: female

interesting page

12/23/99 15:09:49
Name: ~*Melissa*~ My URL: Visit Me Fave 'Net Game: the ones on eonline's fun & games
Star Trek Fan?: that's not by bag baby Computer Generated or Real Art?: both are pretty Male/Female: Female
Intel/AMD?: jigga what? If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: ok, why not?

"Thank you for calling Officemax where we can now personalize color calenders for the holidays, this is _______, how may I direct your call?"...Umm, what are we going to say after the holidays are over?

12/22/99 17:20:16
Name: Mike
My URL: Visit Me


11/05/99 14:10:30
Name: casey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo Star Trek Fan?: nnnnnnnnnooooooooooo Computer Generated or Real Art?: nnnnnnnnoooooooooooo
Intel/AMD?: nnnnnnnnooooooooo If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: nnnnnnnnnoooooooooo


10/31/99 06:30:53
Name: Karen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: I don't know Star Trek Fan?: Yeah Computer Generated or Real Art?: both
Male/Female: Female Intel/AMD?: sure If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: maybe


09/17/99 02:32:53
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: EverQuest Star Trek Fan?: Yes Computer Generated or Real Art?: in Art, I know little
Male/Female: Male, man. Intel/AMD?: Either If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: I have and did and will

We're Back!

08/27/99 02:38:30
Name: Me My URL: Visit Me Fave 'Net Game: EverQuest
Star Trek Fan?: Yeah Computer Generated or Real Art?: Me like art. Don't know him personally, tho. Intel/AMD?: Got both.
If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: I did.


08/26/99 03:54:06
Name: Andrew My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Various MUDs, Quake Star Trek Fan?: Live Long and Prosper Computer Generated or Real Art?: Computer Generated
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: AMD If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: Next time I update my site

Can I interest you in a prepaid phone card? :-)

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/25/99 05:26:14

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 07:29:45


Brazilian ring - 08/14/99 21:07:00


Brazilian's Ring Join

08/09/99 04:04:22
Name: MCTig One My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: EverQuest Star Trek Fan?: Yup Computer Generated or Real Art?: both
Male/Female: Female Intel/AMD?: whichever goes vroom vroom If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: yes, but as I've said....IF is the key word...hint hint....j/k

Ok, so I have a chunk of cyberspace set up for me.....anyhoo, looks real good m'love. I wasn't hinting at anything in the last question.... =) well, off I go with my bum ankle....=( Nighty-nite ~Karen

08/09/99 04:00:47
Name: MCTig One My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: EverQuest Star Trek Fan?: Yup Computer Generated or Real Art?: both
Male/Female: Female Intel/AMD?: whichever goes vroom vroom If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: yes, but as I've said....IF is the key word...hint hint....j/k

Ok, so I have a chunk of cyberspace set up for me.....anyhoo, looks real good m'love. I wasn't hinting at anything in the last question.... =) well, off I go with my bum ankle....=( Nighty-nite ~Karen

07/29/99 03:36:31
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: EverQuest Star Trek Fan?: Uh-Yut Computer Generated or Real Art?: Whichever moves me more
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: Whichever moves my computer more If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: I have and i Do and i Did

Of course I gave you your own little corner. It's actually the biggest part of my site. (-= Love ya Karen Mike

07/27/99 05:44:49
Name: Karen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Acid Tetris Star Trek Fan?: Yes Computer Generated or Real Art?: Real and Computer
Male/Female: Female Intel/AMD?: Neither If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: Sure...if being the opperative word

Hello! Love the page!! Teehee.... Little spot just for me =). Thank you m'dear. Love ya! ~Karen

05/09/99 23:16:27
Name: []BuRnInG~Ice[] My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo2 (Soon to be) Star Trek Fan?: no Computer Generated or Real Art?: Comp Gen
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: ?? If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: sure

Hey Michael!

03/30/99 01:24:56
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: ATS TrekMUSH Star Trek Fan?: Duh Computer Generated or Real Art?: CGI and RL
Male/Female: Male Intel/AMD?: Which ever's in teh computer I'm using. If you had a webpage would you link to mine?:: I have.

I'm testing out the new page. I'm having fun, too ;)

03/12/99 17:48:56
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Good Question Star Trek Fan?: Uh huh Might vs. Magic: @Asteroid
Male/Female: Me Tarzan. You Jane. Ultima Online or Diablo: Not anymore Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: I am linking to mine.

Here's v2.0a It's coming...

02/24/99 03:51:39
Name: []BuRnInG~IcE[] My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo Star Trek Fan?: No Male/Female: Male
Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: not on my eot page:)

Hey nice page Mike!

02/17/99 03:42:30
Name: Antyreal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: StarCraft Brood War Star Trek Fan?: Not really.. Might vs. Magic: I liked VI
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: BOTH! Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: I have one and yeah i prolly would....

Hey, when we gonna get back to Baldurs Gate? I got a new paladin that rocks with like -6 AC.. hehe.. some coo stuff on that guy WELL you can alway email me or icq me whenever you want to play... TTYL ~Anty

11/10/98 03:25:34
Name: Andrew Maiman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Quake Star Trek Fan?: Of course :-) Might vs. Magic: Never tried it...
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: StarCraft Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Will add link next time I update :-)

Nice site....Stop by mine if you get a chance.

10/22/98 23:12:24
My URL: Visit Me


Cindy - 10/20/98 02:20:04
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

10/16/98 21:18:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

07/24/98 00:04:04
Name: Im Baaaaaack.
My URL: Visit Me
Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: i already have.


05/16/98 17:19:04
Name: CL MarioMax My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: StarCraft!! Star Trek Fan?: Who isn't? Might vs. Magic: Might, always
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: Starcraft, duh! Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Well, let's say I'm too envious of your layout to link :)

I must say, Great page! If I only remembered your address when I signed this guestbook i'd add you to my favorites :)

05/03/98 18:09:03
Name: Ban/Matt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: SC Star Trek Fan?: Nope Might vs. Magic: Magic
Male/Female: Awaiting Ultima Online or Diablo: SC Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: uhh...what if i already did

IM VISITOR i get a special prize or anything :)

04/27/98 19:37:29
Name: Matty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: SC/D Star Trek Fan?: Nay Might vs. Magic: MaGiC
Male/Female: i dunno Ultima Online or Diablo: ack Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: FF FF FF FF FF

mikey waz up...looking better...i like it...keep it going

03/24/98 17:18:57
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo/The Realm Star Trek Fan?: Yup Might vs. Magic: Magic
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: FF

Better and better, all i need now is Diablo and Fallout Strategy and some midi files

03/13/98 07:50:01
Name: Matty(Ban) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo Star Trek Fan?: Nah Might vs. Magic: ???????
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Final Fantasy

Mikey, waz up...i havent seen u on bnet in a while get on soon...i miss gaming with ya...i changed alo of my equipment. i got: najs, tc, df etc. well, its a nice page and im glad to see that im first on your friends list...btw, im ban nunka and you're my ...(heheeheh) well i love the song now. cya soon....-=Ban-Nunka=-

03/12/98 14:28:50
Name: Eric My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo Male/Female: Male
Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Final Fantasy

Hi!Anyone had ever join 7 guilds together?He.I did.I join 7 guilds!Michael!We will play.

03/12/98 00:12:23
Name: Tom "Lysandus" Clark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo Star Trek Fan?: nope Might vs. Magic: Magic
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Final Fantasy

Nice site Mike, keep up on it and it'll kick arse soon :) peace out bro

03/12/98 00:09:50
Name: Tom "Lysandus" CLARk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: DIablo Star Trek Fan?: nope Might vs. Magic: Magic
Male/Female: Male Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Final Fantasy

Nice site Mike, keep up on it and it'll kick arse soon :) peace out bro

03/10/98 04:44:46
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave 'Net Game: Diablo Star Trek Fan?: yes Might vs. Magic: Magic
Male/Female: male Ultima Online or Diablo: Diablo Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior: Final Fantasy

Love my site so far 3/9/98

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