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Biography of Michael
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Home Life:
I currently live at home with my parents, Michael and Donna, and my sister Casey and brother Daniel. I'm the oldest. I upgraded my 1984 Plymouth Reliant wagon to a 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais. Until recently, I was a regular member of an AD&D roleplaying group led by Andrew, a fellow from work. I also work on my webpage in my spare time (what little there is! :-).
Work Info:
I currently hold a Tecnnical Support Position (phone support, general hardware and software, Mac and Windows PC) at MicroWarehouse. I have been there since November 1999. I previously worked for OfficeMax as an Electronics Associate, then Customer Service Supervisor. I held that position for 2 years 5 months give or take the time I stayed part time till just after Christmas 99. Prior to that, I worked at Ockanickon Scout Reservation, as a Food Service Cleanup person. (I washed dishes in the mess hall.) I worked there for 2 months.
Miscellaneous Info:
My current (post March 2002) hobbies include reading, writing poetry, playing computer games, watching movies(in the theatre and at home), camping(whether stopped by personal injury or not), wishing I had the chance to continue my roleplaying experiences (by reading a LOT of AD&D stuff), and just generally anything computer related.
Personal Info:
I'm Single again... (for some reason I'm hearing the theme from Muppets Take Manhattan in my head when I typed that, but whatever)
Tidbits: You read about the priest, the minister and the rabbi who were playing golf, right? Well apparently, the caddy won that round, cause the car fell out of the tree onto their heads.
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