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Miles away
yet able to speak
I wish I could see her
week after week
precious and few
are the moments
we two can share
but I hope she knows
she only needs to call
and I'll go to her
I'll be there
a path to death
with forks and branches
hills and valleys
ravines and peaks
brambles and floods
dark and light
left or right?
till you reach a cliff
with no other side
Flowing and ebbing
like the tides
bubbling and churning
like a volcano
rumbling and hidden
like an earthquake
Till it hits!
like an explosion
then it settles and dissipates
into calm
like a sunset
into night.
When a young man's thoughts
turn lightly
to thoughts
of love.
when a young lady's heart
is unlocked
and those who
want to open it
when young blossoms bloom
and new life is born
when life
renews itself.
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