An Early 3D Rendering Contained herein you will find a small sampling of the poems I have written over the years... Some I wrote in 9th grade while in a Writing seminar with a local NJ writer/poet...
Others have been written over the intervening years, few and far between, except for those rare flashes of verse where something 'clicks' just right or I happen to spout it in an IM with someone or while in conversation.
Anyway, here are my poems for your perusal. Some pages have 4 poems, some less because of spacing and size. I tested these pages on IE 5 and Netscape 4.7 in Windows as well as Netscape 4.76 and IE 5.0 on Macintosh, in 800x600, 1024x768, and 1152x824 resolutions. Any problems, click here to let me know!
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Now, the majority of my poems have to do with Love... If you're a close friend you may even be able to tell whom the poem was written for!
Poems Scroll I
Poems Scroll II
Poems Scroll III
Poems Scroll IV
Poems Scroll V
Poems Scroll VI
Poems Scroll VII
Poems Scroll VIII
Poems Scroll IX
Poems Scroll X
Poems Scroll XI
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